How to handle Electron IPC events (renderer, main, context-bridge) with TypeScript

Thomas Cazade / January 8, 2022

Manage your IPC events by using type-safe context-bridge in Electron apps with TypeScript and benefit from Electron security features.

Last updated: 2022-03-15


Electron IPC (inter-process communication) is a communication system between the main process and the renderer process.

Your main process is powered by NodeJS, which means you can access, for example, the fs module and read from files.

For security reasons, the renderer process cannot access such modules as it could expose vulnerabilities for your users.

Let's say we need to read a file from the renderer process, here's is a basic example:

  1. Your user click on a button to read a file. The renderer process will send a read-file event to the main process using IPC.
  2. Main process receives the event read-file and call fs.readFileSync to read the file. Only the main process can read the file because we are using the fs (filesystem) module from the Node.js API.
  3. Once the file has been read, the main process send a read-file-success event to the renderer process, with the content of the file.

However, and still for security reasons, Electron introduced the preload script as a way to expose whitelisted wrappers around modules that need an access to Node.js APIs.

By doing this, you avoid exposing the require function, which is a function that can be extremely dangerous if your application need to fetch remote content (which many do).

For a deep dive about Electron process model, IPC and context-bridge module, I already wrote a post about it here.

We will use TypeScript for this post and assume you have a complete build system to handle compilation of main, renderer and preload (a blog post about this will come later).

Isolating renderer and main processes

First, we need to make sure that our processes (main and renderer) are properly isolated from each other:

// src/main.ts const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron') const win: BrowserWindow = new BrowserWindow({ webPreferences: { // This is a default since Electron 5. nodeIntegration: false, // Protect against prototype pollution. contextIsolation: true, // Disable remote module. enableRemoteModule: false, // Link to your compiled preload file. preload: path.join(__dirname, '../dist/preload.js'), }, })

Creating the preload script and exposing its functions

After we tweaked the parameters of our BrowserWindow, we can create our src/preload.ts file:

// src/preload.ts // `contextBridge` expose an API to the renderer process. // `ipcRenderer` is used for IPC (inter-process communication) with main process. // We use it in the preload instead of renderer in order to expose only // whitelisted wrappers to increase the security of our aplication. import { contextBridge, ipcRenderer } from 'electron' // Create a type that should contain all the data we need to expose in the // renderer process using `contextBridge`. export type ContextBridgeApi = { // Declare a `readFile` function that will return a promise. This promise // will contain the data of the file read from the main process. readFile: () => Promise<string> } const exposedApi: ContextBridgeApi = { readFile: () => { // Send IPC event to main process to read the file. ipcRenderer.send('read-file') // Wrap a promise around the `.once` listener that will be sent back from // the main process, once the file has been read. return new Promise((resolve) => { ipcRenderer.once('read-file-success', (event, data: string) => resolve(data)) }) }, } // Expose our functions in the `api` namespace of the renderer `Window`. // // If I want to call `readFile` from the renderer process, I can do it by // calling the function `window.api.readFile()`. contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('api', exposedApi)

Registering IPC events in the main process

Let's handle logic inside the main process. The following logic will be implemented:

  1. Create an IPC listener for the read-file event.
  2. When read-file event is received, start reading a basic .txt file using fs module.
  3. When the file has been successfully read, send back an IPC event read-file-success to the renderer process containing the data of the file.
// main.ts import fs from 'fs' // ... // Wait for Electron app to be ready before registering IPC listeners. app.whenReady().then(() => { // Listen to the `read-file` event. ipcMain.on('read-file', () => { const fileContent = fs.readFileSync('./file-to-read.txt', { encoding: 'utf-8' }) // Send back an IPC event to the renderer process with the file content. event.sender.send('read-file-success', fileContent) }) })

Providing extended context-bridge types to the renderer Window

You may get a compilation error with the source-code of your renderer process while trying to access the declared window.api property, especially if you have an ESLint setup:

Unsafe member access .readFile on an `any` value.

Unsafe call of an `any` typed value.

Property 'api' does not exist on type 'Window & typeof globalThis'.

That's because TypeScript doesn't know that we are extending the Window of our renderer process and we need to explicitely tell it that we have a new typed property defined on our window.

If you remember, we created an exported type ContextBridgeApi in src/preload.ts. We can actually use this type and declare in our renderer source-code that we have extended the Window property with an object api containing this exact type ContextBridgeApi.

This method is called in other words in TypeScript, augmenting types.

Create a file window.d.ts at the root of your renderer source-code:

// This file should augment the properties of the `Window` with the type of the // `ContextBridgeApi` from `Electron.contextBridge` declared in `src/preload.ts`. import type { ContextBridgeApi } from './preload' declare global { interface Window { api: ContextBridgeApi } }

You may need to reload VSCode (or restart any dev-server) after creating the file and you should notice that compilation/ESLint errors are gone, but also benefit from VSCode IntelliSense.


I hope this post has helped you to understand how to use Electron IPC with TypeScript especially while keeping in mind the security purposes of doing this.