I've been writing online about modern front-end development especially about React, Vue, TypeScript and Electron. In total, I've written 10 articles. Use the search filter below to filter by title or tag (using the # prefix).
Unit-testing next-connect middlewares for Next.js API routesPublished January 16, 2023
Let's take a look at how we can unit-test middlewares for Next.js API routes using Jest and next-connect.
Middlewares for Next.js API routes with next-connectPublished January 7, 2023
Implement the middleware pattern similar to Express.js, inside your Next.js API routes using next-connect.
Create a Vue 3 component with TypeScript and VitePublished September 25, 2022
Learn how to create a Vue 3 component starter and start reusing your components and several pieces of logic in your projects.
Create a REST-API in no-time with Node.js, Express, Prisma and TypeScript.Published April 20, 2022
Leverage your web knowledge to create a back-end API with in no-time and few code.
Create a secure Electron application with TypeScript and Vite.js (preload, renderer, main, IPC)Published March 22, 2022
Leverage the power of Vite.js to create a secure Electron application with TypeScript using any front-end framework (React, Vue 3, Svelte, ...)
Electron process model explained (IPC, main, renderer and preload scripts)Published March 13, 2022
Learn how the Electron process model works and how to effectively communicate between the renderer and main process while keeping your application safe.
How to handle Electron IPC events (renderer, main, context-bridge) with TypeScriptPublished January 8, 2022
Manage your IPC events by using type-safe context-bridge in Electron apps with TypeScript and benefit from Electron security features.
Integrating an API with React-Query and TypeScriptPublished December 3, 2021
Integrate a third-party API with the React-Query library while being type-safe.
Creating a design system around the React-Select componentPublished November 11, 2021
Make the React-Select component easily customizable in your design-system.
Setting up a linter on a Vue + TypeScript project with @vue/airbnb + prettierPublished June 18, 2019
Setting up a proper linting experience can be hard when a project has multiple layers of tools or a superset language. In this article, we will create our own linter for Vue + TypeScript projects.